Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

Category: Marriage (Page 1 of 6)

What Men Wish Women Knew (Part 2)

The Chat

Earlier this year, I shared the first part of this video series by Priscilla Shirer. (She is one of my favorite Bible teachers.)

And in the second part of this series she discusses: the male ego, why guys don’t lead, submission, and sex.

I love this video series, because we get to hear from God-fearing men (one of them single) on how to steward our relationships and help our men be all that God has called them to be. Continue reading

The Odds Are Against Us, But It Don’t Even Matter


The odds say that black women are less likely to marry.  CNN was kind enough to do an entire series on it in 2008. And a recent report by the Brookings Institute is reminding us of those dismal facts.

This is not new information.

But, I’m writing about this today because I had a conversation with a new friend about the topic. It was one of those conversations you walk away from and you’re like ‘Dang. I gotta DO SOMETHING.’ But, you’re just not quite sure what. Continue reading

Dating Someone from a Different Denomination?

Different Denomination“If we have children, we’re going to raise them Baptist, right?”

That’s how a conversation began after church one Sunday. Morris and I  had been dating for a few months, and decided that we’d take our relationship to the next level by going to church together.

We went to his church at 8 AM and my church at 10 AM.  But our churches were different denominations.  And when Morris asked that question, I realized that I was a bit concerned about being a Baptist. Continue reading

3 Ways to Connect Despite the Noise of Devices

We’re having a lot of problems with him. And, we can’t seem to get him off of his cellphone and Xbox.” That’s what the lady sitting behind me at breakfast said the other day. I immediately sat up straight and leaned a little closer to listen in. (Okay, so I’m nosy.)

She wanted her son to be present.  She wanted to connect. And, she also wanted her husband to help in cutting her son’s addiction to electronic devices.

But, she felt alone.

I have the same problem with my 17-year old brother. Continue reading

The Problem with Being Unequally Yoked

Have you ever wondered what it really means to be unequally yoked?

It’s a term that’s thrown around a lot in Christian circles and it’s based on a passage of Scripture in 2 Corinthians 6:14. It says “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? ”

Now, that term “yoked” is actually an agricultural term that describes two oxen pulling a burden. But when the oxen aren’t evenly matched…an interesting thing happens. Continue reading

Today, I’m sharing via video because I want to share a story with you. A few years ago, I had almost given up hope on black marriages. I witnessed two family members go through tragic divorces and I had a question: 

Can black families live happily ever after?

The Lord answered that question in an awesome way! Check out the video to hear that story. Continue reading

What Men Wish Women Knew (Part 1)

The ChatDid you know that the phrase “can we talk” is a conversation killer for most men? Or that the best way to talk to your fella is while you are doing something else?

Those are a couple of the relationship tips I learned from watching the video “What Men Wish Women Knew.” There were soooo many nuggets of wisdom from the fellas. Continue reading

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