Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

Category: Marriage (Page 3 of 6)

“I Don’t Need a Man”

I don't need a man

That’s what a woman said to me when talking about her desire to me in a relationship. She said, “I don’t need a man, I just want one for companionship.”

It took me a while to process what she said. And, I don’t remember my response. But, I remember thinking “that makes no sense. And, I’m sure a man would never want to be around you…given your sour attitude.”

But, in reality, her sentiment is echoed by many women. Remember, the scene from the movie, Best Man: Holiday, where Jordan tells her new boo she doesn’t need him?

It is painful to watch.

A word from men on this subject. 

Later on, the words of one of the christian black  men that I interviewed
earlier this year came back to me. He said that “often times women convince themselves that they don’t need a man, and it affects how they treat them.”Now, that statement makes perfect sense!When we don’t need something, we treat it accordingly.Think about all the things that you don’t need i.e. the extra pair of jeans that we no longer fit/need that we keep around for posterity. We just throw them in the closet any old where. But, that new dress that makes you feel like a million bucks…that dress gets prime closet real estate.

It is a fact of a life, we treat things that we value with care. And, if we don’t value being in a relationship with men. It will affect how we treat them.

A word from an expert on this subject. 

Laura Doyle discusses this in her book , The Surrendered Single.  She says that saying we don’t need a man is ultimately about control. She says that denying what we want is a way of controlling our desires so that you can ward off the fear, disappointment,and humiliation.

Needing a man does not equate to being desperate. 
She says “being loved by a man is our birthright as a woman. Mating is one of the oldest, ingrained human instincts. While self-sufficiency is admirable, it doesn’t fulfill our needs to be intimate with a man.”Laura explains that surrendering to the desire to be married changes our countenance and body language. “Instead of wearing I-don’t-need-a-man body armor, you’ll signal “I’m available to the right guy.”

The Good News
The good news is that men need us. God said so in Genesis 2:18. “The Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper* suitable for him.” So, if men need us. Surely, we can’t be too proud to admit that we need men too.

*I  know that word “helper” is a touchy subject. I’ve been researching it and we’ll be discussing it soon.

Question: Do you know anyone that wears I-don’t-need-man  body armor”? If so, how does it affect their relationships? 

PS: In July, I’ll be hosting my first live event in Washington, D.C! Stay tuned. I’ll be sharing details next week.

The RIGHT Person Myth

“Success in marriage is much more than a matter of finding the right person; it is also a matter of being the right person.” That’s what Leland Foster Wood said in his book, Growing Together in Family. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about this topic of being the right person, because often our main objective is focused on the finding. But, being the right person is the essence of what can make our relationships sink or swim. And, I want your relationships to swim. So, I’m sharing this video today.

My friend, Katharine, sent me a talk given by Andy Stanley. He breaks down the right person myth in a funny way, and captures the essence of being the right person beautifully.

It’s 29-minutes. I know, what you are thinking: “Simone, I don’t have that kinda time! I. am. busy.” I get it. I get it, but this is sound advice and I think it is worth your time. Will you watch it? I promise you won’t be disappointed.

So, what did you think? 

Lady in Waiting: Becoming God’s Best While Waiting for Mr. Right

Last week I read, Lady in Waiting: Becoming God’s Best While Waiting for Mr. Right. 

According to the authors, the book teaches women to focus on the state of their hearts, not the state of their status (single, married, divorced or widowed). The book explains that too many women grow up believing that the inconsolable ache in her heart is for “a man.” That ache is meant to nudge a woman closer to God. Lady in Waiting is not about finding the right man, but being the right woman. It focuses on ten qualities that are found in the book of Ruth.

My Review
I liked most of this book, but parts of the book seemed quite repetitive. I love the first chapter, because it explains how much Jesus wants to be in a relationship with us.

I also feel like I understand the book of Ruth  on a deeper level. Ruth lost her husband and gave up everything that was familiar to follow her mother-in-law, Naomi, and her God. Ruth wasn’t afraid. The story is SO familiar to me, I guess I’ve just glazed over how brave Ruth was. She trusted God, even after she lost her husband.

Best Feature
This book gave me a fresh look at the book of Ruth. Ruth choose new friends, new surroundings, and a new faith all while she was grieving.

I thought about my own life and how friends influenced me for good or evil. There are only two categories of friends one’s that bring you closer to God and or ones that drive you away from God. The same is true for our surroundings.

This book also had some grrrrreat questions at the end of each chapter. For example, is your status as single affecting your relationship with God? Is your relationship with Jesus one of sacrifice or convenience?

Two thumbs up.

It has come to my attention that my last four reviews have all been two thumbs up. I just haven’t read any books yet that I would not recommend. If I do, you’ll know. I promise.

Next Up
A Father First by Dwayne Wade

ps: Please forgive me for not posting on Sunday.  Last weekend was action packed.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

This week, I’ve been reading How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.


According to Amazon, for more than 60 years  this book has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. The book will teach you:
* 3 fundamental techniques in handling people
* 6 ways to make people like you
* 12 ways to win people to you way of thinking

My Review

I cannot say enough good things about this book, because it saved me from damaging my relationship with my husband one day. I think of this book sort of like a reference book for solving relationship, marriage, and family problems. Even though, Mr. Carnegie primarily intended for it to be used for professional relationships. The lessons are applicable to family life.

The only down side of this book is that some of the reference to famous authors and thought-leaders of that day are lost on me. I had no idea who Leland Foster Wood was, but nevertheless the information is helpful to building rich relationships.

Best Feature 

The final section of the book is entitled, Seven Rules for Making Your Home Life Happier. Here are Mr. Carnegie’s Rules:

Rule 1: Don’t nag.

Rule 2: Don’t try to make your partner over.

Rule 3: Don’t criticize.

Rule 4: Give honest appreciation.

Rule 5: Pay little attentions.

Rule 6: Be courteous.

Rule 7: Read a good book on the sexual side of marriage.

For each rule, he tells a story of how the rule should or should not work at home. For example, did you know that Abraham Lincoln’s wife was an incredible nag? It’s true! Before being president, he would even arrange his travel schedule to be away from home for long periods of time to avoid her.

This is one of the stories that motivated me to stop nagging.


Two thumbs up!

Next Review

Lady in Waiting: Becoming God’s Best While Waiting for Mr. Right by Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones

Men are from Mars Women are From Venus

Last week, I read  Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, by Dr. John Gray.

According to Amazon, the book is a classic guide to understanding the opposite sex, Dr. John Gray provides a practical and proven way for men and women to improve their communication by acknowledging the differences between their needs, desires, and behaviors. No other relationship guide on the market will give you the same level of evidence-based insight sure to help you strengthen and nurture your relationships for years to come. 

My Review
I liked this book. It is practical and truthful. Several times while I was reading I remember thinking “Omigosh, I totally do this.”

For example, Dr. Gray says that men mistakenly want to “fix” women, women mistakenly try to “improve” men.  But, when a woman tries to change a man, he receives the message that she thinks he is broken. This is hurtful and makes him feel unloved and unaccepted.

I found one drawback. Some sections of the book feel a bit repetitive. However, I imagine that the lessons are so important Dr. Gray wanted to ensure that we didn’t miss anything.  I recommend all women read it and share sections with the men in their lives.

Best Feature
The best feature of this book are the translations between men and women. Dr. Gray gives example of what women say versus what they mean, and he does the same for men.

In Chapter 5, he explains that women express feelings and men express information. He says that women often use generalizations that are easily misinterpreted. Here’s a couple examples:

Women Say:           Men Respond:
                          “We never go out.”            “That’s not true. We went out last week.”
      “No one listens to me anymore.”            “But I am listening to you right now.”

Two thumbs up.

Next Review: 
This week’s reading: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families by Dr. Stephen R. Covey

Is Your Love Tank Empty?


In his book, The Five Love Languages, Dr. Chapman says that love is the primary human emotional need. He explains that problems arise in relationships and families when people have an empty love tank. An empty love tank is the result of not feeling loved.

Dr. Chapman says that learning to speak the primary love language of your spouse and loved ones can radically change his or her behavior.

The Five Love Languages

  • Words of Affirmation: use words that build up and encourage. “Verbal compliments, or words of appreciation, are powerful communicators of love.” They are best expressed simply such as, “I love your hair.” “You look great in that color.”
  • Quality Time: giving your husband your undivided attention. Dr. Chapman cautions not to confuse togetherness with proximity. Togetherness means focused attention i.e. turning the TV off.
  • Gifts: a gift is a symbol of thoughts and love.”It doesn’t matter whether it costs money, what is important is that you thought of them.”
  • Acts of Service: doing things your husband or loved one would like you to do. This is my love language and I am over the moon when Morris cleans the bathroom.
  • Physical Touch: is pretty straightforward. This is Morris’ love language.

Two weeks into our dating, Morris put his hands on my shoulder, looked me straight in the eyes and said “Simone, we are dating now. You have to kiss me as a greeting. Quit it with the waving.” It was super awkward at first. Public displays of affection aren’t really my thing, but I learned. And, our relationship is better for it.

A Full Love Tank

Make sure that when you express love to your husband, family, and friends that you use the right love language. An indicator of their love language may be things they do for you.

Does your friend gives great gifts? Gifts may be her love language.

Does your sister love to hang out? Her love language may be quality time.

Speaking the right love language will keep their love tank full and lead you both to a rich relationship.

Question: What is your love language? And, how do you feel loved?


Love Is Not Enough

Image | Telegraph

Women need love. Men need respect. 
Love alone is not enough for a happy relationship. In Ephesians, Paul says “Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” This is not a suggestion it is a must.

You may say “Simone, I am not married. So, this does not apply to me.” But, it does!

I’m learning through my interviews that being respectful is attractive. Being disrespectful is unattractive. For example, a girl my husband once dated told him that he wouldn’t be a good father, because he spent too much time working and studying for graduate school. He dumped that girl.

Respecting Men Will Help You Attract Men
If you are respectful, you will attract men. One of the guys I interviewed said that respect is critical, because he needs to know that someone values his ideas, respects his opinions, and that he has support.

Black men, especially, need our support. People are simply not lining up to tell them that they are loved and adored. Let us not forget that +Richard Sherman is a thug, despite being a Stanford graduate and Justin Bieber is our misguided youth, despite drag racing, drug possession, and egg throwing.

The Crazy Cycle

Image| Love & Respect

In his book, Love & Respect, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs says that when a man feels disrespected, he may react in ways that feel unloving. When a wife feels unloved, she may reacts in ways that feel disrespectful to her husband.

Dr. Eggerichs tells the story of his parent’s marriage. Mrs. Eggerichs made a good income, and it enabled her to live without Mr. Eggerichs resources. Mrs. Eggerichs sent her husband the message that she could get along without him, by making financial decisions without consulting him. Mr. Eggerichs felt insignificant, offended, and hurt. And, often responded in an angry manner which left his wife feeling unloved.

Respect Research:
+Shaunti Feldhahn interviewed more than one thousand men for her book For Women Only. Chapter 2 is dedicated to her findings regarding love and respect. She says that women can show respect by:

  • Respecting his judgment. A man deeply needs to know that the woman in his life respects his knowledge, opinions, and decisions.
  • Respecting his abilities. Men like to figure things out. The problem is we want to help them, and this translates into distrust.
  • Respect in public. Dozens of men told Ms. Feldhan that it was painful when their wives criticized them in public. But, the opposite is true too. If you praise him in public, he will feel adored.

How to Show Respect:

  • Refuse to engage in conversations that degrade men. When your girlfriend says “Girl, you know men don’t know nothing about (insert topic). Do not agree. We believe the things we hear ourselves say. If we believe men are good for nothing, we will treat them as such.
  • Admire men. It will improve the way you treat them. Men are attracted to women that admire them. Not in the sense that we, oogle or objectify them. But, that we appreciative their gifts, talents, and strengths.  Don’t you like it when someone admires you?
  • Compliment Men. If you are married, publicly praise your husband. If you are single, compliment the next five guys you see that are attractive. My friend recently began telling men that she thinks are attractive that they are, and in return she is attracting and being pursued more.
  • Question: How do you show respect to your spouse? If you are single, how will you practice respecting the men in your life?


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