Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

Category: Marriage (Page 6 of 6)

Why Japan?

Morris and I were often asked this question before, during, and after our honeymoon to Japan. There are two reasons. First, Morris’ sister used to send him Japanese baseball cards when he was in middle school, and he always hoped to see the country. Second, my sisters and I spent one Christmas holiday watching the entire Karate Kid trilogy, and I thought “it sure would be nice to see the land of Mr. Miyagi.” Below are five of my favorite photos from Japan and the video that Morris made of our trip. Enjoy!

Us at the Edo-Tokyo Museum
Tsuiki Fish Market Safety Briefing
Tsuiki Fish Market…Can you believe that is a Tuna?
Kinkaku-ji (The Temple of the (solid) Gold Pavilion)
The Bamboo Forest
*I lost two pounds this week. Woot! Woot!*

Getting Married, Gaining Weight

Image from Fitness Magazine
In the past two months, two separate colleagues inquired about whether or not I continue to run. (The answer is no. I have switched to pilates, kickboxing, and spinning.) Now, I didn’t think much about the first inquiry. But, the second inquiry was about a week later and I had noticed that my clothes seemed to be shrinking.

One morning I was feeling brave and stepped onto the scale. It was confirmed. I had gained weight. Eight pounds in the mere six months that Morris and I have been married.

I place most of the blame with Morris. He likes to eat dinner…every night. We have even taken up menu planning as a weekend activity.  In my pre- married days, I rarely ate dinner. Breakfast consisted of a banana or an apple. Followed by a mid-morning snack of almonds, and a big lunch of gluten-free pasta and carrots.  Dinner usually consisted of a salad or green tea or popcorn, but never all three, and often I skipped all three to gain an extra hour of sleep.

That has all changed. Morris eats four square meals a day, and in my zeal to be a good wife I have followed suit. Unfortunately, I have paid for it in pounds. I have been trying to lose the pounds for four weeks to no avail. So, I googled “getting married, gaining weight” and found a wealth of tips for weight loss. Everyone from WebMD to USA Today have commented on the phenomenon. So, it is comforting to know that I am not alone. One tip said to blog about your weight loss goal. So, here I be.

I have no plans to turn this into a weight loss blog, but I will add one sentence at the end of each post to keep you up to date and to keep me honest. Thank you for your support. My goal is to lose eight pounds by Thanksgiving day.

Jury Duty and the Home Wrecker

My maternal grandfather (not the grandfather I lived with for two years), cheated on my grandmother throughout their entire marriage. His indiscretions led to him fathering two children. I was two years old when my grandmother passed away, but his mistake colored my perspective of cheating spouses forever.

I loathe cheaters. As a Christian, I ought not loathe anyone. However, whenever a cheating scandal is alive and well in the media. I can’t help but think that the cheater is being maligned accordingly. In my view, Kobe Bryant deserved to be prosecuted, President Clinton deserved impeachment, and Tiger Woods had it comin’. I could continue.

My disgust for cheaters reared its ugly head while I served on Jury Duty too.

A gentleman on my panel, flirted openly with a lady juror. He was wearing a wedding band, and she was not. She whispered in his ear, he would laugh, and I would shoot them dirty looks. I even discussed my problem with Morris and explained that the gentleman and the “raggedy home-wrecker” came to jury duty together and spent all of our down time fawning over each other. Morris forbade me to confront the couple, but said that I could continue to give them the stink eye.

I was partially obedient. I gave them dirty looks, and sat uncomfortably close to the couple. My plan worked. The lady sat farther away, and at least they could not hold hands. I felt triumphant, because on my final day of jury duty there was no public display of affection between the two.

At the end of the trial, we had to pick a foreman. The gentleman declined to be foreman, because his wife was serving on the jury.


Yes, the gentleman and the lady I described as the “raggedy home-wrecker” are married.

Lesson Learned: Don’t jump to conclusions, Simone.

Question: Has jumping to conclusions ever made you look ridiculous? Looking for a friend. 

Restaurant Eve

Have you ever been in a situation where the room goes silent, everything is in slow motion, and despite the fact that there are 30 to 40 people in the room you realize…you are the center of attention?

Perhaps that’s happened to all of us. We realize, we should know something that we just don’t know.

That happened to me yesterday.

Yesterday, Morris and I met a dear friend for dinner at Restaurant Eve. It was her birthday and cause for a celebration. I had not seen her in a while. So, I got a little carried away with catching up and forgot to review the menu in detail.

Note to self: review the menu, then chat.

Before I knew it our server, Don, was coming around to take orders. Thankfully, he began taking orders at the other end of the table. So, I had about a minute and a half to peruse the menu. I only understood about every other word on the menu. So, I made an executive decision to focus on the words that I understood.

Don: What will you have for an appetizer, Miss?

Me: I’ll have the Tempura Squash

Don: And for an entrée?

Me: I’ll have the Honeycomb Blueberry…

Don: ….do you mean the Honeycomb Blueberry Tripe?

Me: Yes, the Tripe.

Don: Have you ever had Tripe before?

Me: No, I have not.

Don (lowering his voice): Do you know what Tripe is?

Me: No, I haven’t the slightest idea.

The restaurant becomes quite. Morris’ eyes enlarge and his lips press together, as if he is holding his breath. We also have the attention of our neighboring diners.

Don calmly walks to my side of the table and explains that Tripe is the second stomach of water buffalo. I respond by bursting into a fit of giggles/tears and ask for the vegetarian option.

Morris learned something about me yesterday. I am not easily embarrassed. While he is completely mortified at the incident, I am airing this snafu. Morris views the incident as horrific. I view the incident as hilarious.

I’ve been warned that I may be viewed as simple-minded if this story is published. For the record,  I managed to discuss the Higgs Boson Particle (the God-Particle) and my love for all things public radio at the same dinner table. So, for now…I think I’m safe.


Another Blog?

Yes, another one. My last blog was almost a year and a half ago. I wrote about my younger brother getting married before me, and my preparation to see my well-meaning family.


My brother’s wedding was the best wedding I’ve ever been too! It was sincere, fun, it felt like a celebration of two families coming together, and I got another amazing sister out of the deal. AND, no one asked me “When is it your turn?”, “Have you found Mr. Right?” or any other questions of that nature.


Well, in the time between the last blog and this blog…I hit the jackpot. Phillip and I began dating (he’s the one that actually encouraged me to do the first blog). We got engaged, and on April 20, 2012 we are gettin’ hitched.


So, I began thinking. I want my wedding to be a celebration of two families coming together also, but I want the chance to tell you about our families…in detail. So, here we be.


Over the next few months, we are going to share about our families…because they are crazy (this applies to the my side only), fantastic, and funny.
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