Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

Overcoming Fear

Google says that fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. Fear can also be paralyzing i.e. the fear of doing “something” is often worse than actually doing the thing you fear.

But, I overcame one of my fears last week–networking.

The idea of networking makes me nervous. Because it conjures up visions of a whole bunch of folks buzzing around, pretending to be interested in one another, exchanging business cards, and making promises to e-mail and “do lunch.”

I have successfully avoided networking for the past five years, but since I am seeking to change career fields it seems that the time has come for me to overcome this fear.

The training event that I attended last week had networking written all over it. So, I set out with the goal of meeting 3 people.

“Just 3 people, SB, you can do this. Just meet 3 people.” I gave myself a pre-training pep talk. But, when I arrived at the conference all the courage I had summoned–evaporated.

I must have looked pretty pitiful too; because Steve, from the EPA, offered to help me find my way to the registration table. My anxiety eased a little because I had not even entered the building and I had already met one person.

But, then I entered the building. And, all I could see were throngs of people that all knew each other and knew where they were going and there I was by myself…and I felt like an outsider. So, I checked in at registration and regrouped. I skipped breakfast, and went to the opening session early. So, that I could sit in solitude and not face all the networkers eating breakfast together with all of their bestest friends.

However, someone sat beside me. I said good morning and we started to talk. It turns out that Jeff is the president of a local university. So, I began to feel a bit better because I had met two people and the first session had not even started.

By the end of the event, I had met nine people. Three times my goal!

And, I learned something about myself. I realized that I am uncomfortable walking up to a stranger and introducing myself. However, if I sit next to a stranger…I can talk to my new best friend all day. I think the key for me is the one-on-one interaction.

But, it made me think…what other people and opportunities have I missed because of fear?

Don’t get me wrong though. Some fear can be good. For example, the fear of being poor makes me work really hard, budget, and save. The fear of being unhealthy makes me eat 7 to 9 fruit and vegetables a day and go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week. And, the fear of God makes me want to live a life that is pleasing to Him. So, when it is time for me to go…I am ready.

Fear can be a good thing because it pushes us. Or fear can be a bad thing because it holds  us back.

What fears do you have that push you or hold you back?


  1. Kimberly Watkins

    Great post SB! I am really trying to live a healthy fear only life. Fear has kept me from attempting to accomplish many things in my life, and it's time to let go of the fear of the unknown and embrace the potential blessings God has in store for me. My prayer is to have the unhealthy fear be replaced with a spirit of faith. Networking is hard at first, but you only need to be yourself. Will we be seeing you on social media? How about LinkedIn?

  2. Simone

    Thanks, Kim! I do LOVE comments.

    So,I actually am on LinkedIn. But, my profile is quite pitiful. If I can get myself together enough to post regularly…maybe I can then move on to other social media. Yikes! The very thought makes me a little queasy.

    ps: I think your prayer is being answered, because I can already see you replacing fear with faith.

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