My Family Fantastic

Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

This week, I’ve been reading How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.


According to Amazon, for more than 60 years  this book has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. The book will teach you:
* 3 fundamental techniques in handling people
* 6 ways to make people like you
* 12 ways to win people to you way of thinking

My Review

I cannot say enough good things about this book, because it saved me from damaging my relationship with my husband one day. I think of this book sort of like a reference book for solving relationship, marriage, and family problems. Even though, Mr. Carnegie primarily intended for it to be used for professional relationships. The lessons are applicable to family life.

The only down side of this book is that some of the reference to famous authors and thought-leaders of that day are lost on me. I had no idea who Leland Foster Wood was, but nevertheless the information is helpful to building rich relationships.

Best Feature 

The final section of the book is entitled, Seven Rules for Making Your Home Life Happier. Here are Mr. Carnegie’s Rules:

Rule 1: Don’t nag.

Rule 2: Don’t try to make your partner over.

Rule 3: Don’t criticize.

Rule 4: Give honest appreciation.

Rule 5: Pay little attentions.

Rule 6: Be courteous.

Rule 7: Read a good book on the sexual side of marriage.

For each rule, he tells a story of how the rule should or should not work at home. For example, did you know that Abraham Lincoln’s wife was an incredible nag? It’s true! Before being president, he would even arrange his travel schedule to be away from home for long periods of time to avoid her.

This is one of the stories that motivated me to stop nagging.


Two thumbs up!

Next Review

Lady in Waiting: Becoming God’s Best While Waiting for Mr. Right by Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones

Video: How to Become a Better Parent in Less than 3 Minutes

This week I am reading, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen R. Covey. The book has great advice on how to be intentional within the family unit, and I’ll post a review in a few days.

In the meantime, I want to share my first video with you. I gave this talk a few months ago and I thought it might be helpful.

Tip 1: Do-Keep The Love Tank Full
Tip 2: Do-Practice What You Preach
Tip 3: Don’t- Hide Your Mistakes from Your Children
Question: What else should I add to this list of parenting tips?

Men are from Mars Women are From Venus

Last week, I read  Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, by Dr. John Gray.

According to Amazon, the book is a classic guide to understanding the opposite sex, Dr. John Gray provides a practical and proven way for men and women to improve their communication by acknowledging the differences between their needs, desires, and behaviors. No other relationship guide on the market will give you the same level of evidence-based insight sure to help you strengthen and nurture your relationships for years to come. 

My Review
I liked this book. It is practical and truthful. Several times while I was reading I remember thinking “Omigosh, I totally do this.”

For example, Dr. Gray says that men mistakenly want to “fix” women, women mistakenly try to “improve” men.  But, when a woman tries to change a man, he receives the message that she thinks he is broken. This is hurtful and makes him feel unloved and unaccepted.

I found one drawback. Some sections of the book feel a bit repetitive. However, I imagine that the lessons are so important Dr. Gray wanted to ensure that we didn’t miss anything.  I recommend all women read it and share sections with the men in their lives.

Best Feature
The best feature of this book are the translations between men and women. Dr. Gray gives example of what women say versus what they mean, and he does the same for men.

In Chapter 5, he explains that women express feelings and men express information. He says that women often use generalizations that are easily misinterpreted. Here’s a couple examples:

Women Say:           Men Respond:
                          “We never go out.”            “That’s not true. We went out last week.”
      “No one listens to me anymore.”            “But I am listening to you right now.”

Two thumbs up.

Next Review: 
This week’s reading: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families by Dr. Stephen R. Covey

The War on Families


Two years ago, I was a juror for a criminal case.

At the time of her arrest,  the defendant had a gun, drugs, and her 18 month-old son in the car at the time.

And I began to get a picture of the her  life from the character witnesses. Her family was unsupportive. Her boyfriend was unkind, and she was uneducated.

It made me sad, because as a juror I am sworn to look at the facts of the case in isolation. But as a christian, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for this young girl that had been failed by so many.

They Were Both Doomed

And, I started thinking about what kind of life her son would have. The odds are that:

  • He will live in poverty
  • He will not complete high school
  • He will have anger problems
  • He will face a similar jury for committing similar crimes. 
And, I got angry because I realized this baby boy and his mother we both doomed.

So, in my zeal to do something I decided I would change careers and become a  parole officer. But, after weeks of phone calls, introductory e-mails, and research I never even got an informational interview.

So, I decided I would wage war with my keyboard.

The War On Families

Whether or not you realize it, there is a war on families. And, it is fought in many seemingly unrelated battles:

  • fewer Christian women getting married
  • the number of marriages that end in divorce 
  • the proliferation of same-sex marriage laws
  • the wrong images of marriage that abound (read: Jay-Z and Beyonce )
  • continuous family feuds and unresolved conflicts

John 10:10 says that the Thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy. But, Jesus came that we might have life and it more abundantly. Abundant life includes our relationships, marriages and families. 

And, I am on a mission to see that restored. 

Why I Write this Blog
I write this blog because the world needs strong families. Strong families start with strong marriages. And, strong marriages start with strong relationships.

John C. Maxwell in his book, Make Today Count, says that the relational foundation of any family is a couple’s marriage. It sets the tone for the household, and it is the model relationship that children learn from more than any other.

I also write this blog for my single friends that I love and adore. They want to be married. I want to share the lessons I am learning. I also want them to skip my mistakes.

Question: What battles do you see being fought against strong families? 

Is Your Love Tank Empty?


In his book, The Five Love Languages, Dr. Chapman says that love is the primary human emotional need. He explains that problems arise in relationships and families when people have an empty love tank. An empty love tank is the result of not feeling loved.

Dr. Chapman says that learning to speak the primary love language of your spouse and loved ones can radically change his or her behavior.

The Five Love Languages

  • Words of Affirmation: use words that build up and encourage. “Verbal compliments, or words of appreciation, are powerful communicators of love.” They are best expressed simply such as, “I love your hair.” “You look great in that color.”
  • Quality Time: giving your husband your undivided attention. Dr. Chapman cautions not to confuse togetherness with proximity. Togetherness means focused attention i.e. turning the TV off.
  • Gifts: a gift is a symbol of thoughts and love.”It doesn’t matter whether it costs money, what is important is that you thought of them.”
  • Acts of Service: doing things your husband or loved one would like you to do. This is my love language and I am over the moon when Morris cleans the bathroom.
  • Physical Touch: is pretty straightforward. This is Morris’ love language.

Two weeks into our dating, Morris put his hands on my shoulder, looked me straight in the eyes and said “Simone, we are dating now. You have to kiss me as a greeting. Quit it with the waving.” It was super awkward at first. Public displays of affection aren’t really my thing, but I learned. And, our relationship is better for it.

A Full Love Tank

Make sure that when you express love to your husband, family, and friends that you use the right love language. An indicator of their love language may be things they do for you.

Does your friend gives great gifts? Gifts may be her love language.

Does your sister love to hang out? Her love language may be quality time.

Speaking the right love language will keep their love tank full and lead you both to a rich relationship.

Question: What is your love language? And, how do you feel loved?


The Power of Letting Go

I love the song, Let it Go. I love the message. And, I love the reminder it gives me: there is power in letting go. This song is from the movie, Frozen. A movie about two sisters with a strained relationship. One sister hurts the other, and drama ensues.

We all have been wounded.  We all have been hurt. And, generally those hurts are inflicted by those closest to us. But, continuing to hold onto hurt and offense is crippling.

The Burden of Offense
Pastor Wesley talked about learning to live above offense a few weeks ago at church. He said that:

  • Satan seeks to burdens us with offenses.
  • We must reject retaliation and refuse to get even.
  • We must be open to reconciliation.

The message stuck with me, because offense is the enemy of strong relationships, marriages, and families.

 Offense Hurts You and Your Relationship with God
John Bevere in his book, The Bait of Satan, talks about offense. He says that offense imprisons us, severs relationships, and hinders our relationship with God. Because an offended Christian is one that takes in life, but because of fear cannot release life. ( Please read his book. If you apply the principles, it will change your walk with the Lord and your relationships).

Forgiveness is the key to letting go.

Make a Decision 

We must make a decision to forgive. There is a common misperception that we must feel “ready” to forgive. It’s wrong. Forgiveness starts with a decision. We make the decision and act on it.

Do you remember the parable of the talents?

In Matthew, a servant owed his master approximately $4.5 billion dollars. However, the master was kind and generous and forgave the debt. He probably felt like he could use the money, but he made a decision to forgive. The servant, on the other hand, was owed approximately $4,000 and made a decision not to forgive the debt. The master was enraged and turned the unforgiving servant over to the torturers.

The same principle applies to us. If we don’t forgive others of their offenses, we won’t be forgiven of ours. Once you let go and forgive, you have the power to move forward in freedom. So, let’s let go.

Question: How will your relationships improve when you let go?


Dating Outside the Box

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When Morris and I first began dating, our relationship almost came to a screeching halt. Because, I had a checklist and he was “missing” an item.

My list included that he must 1) love Jesus 2) be tall and 3) volunteer.

It was important that my potential husband volunteer. Because, I had to be certain that he cared for others.

So, I tested Morris one day.

We were at Screen on the Green with some friends on the National Mall, and I asked him if he would like to go volunteer with me at a homeless shelter. 

He said “No, homeless shelters aren’t really my thing”

“WHAT?!” I says to myself. “Not, your thing?! Clearly, I can’t marry someone that doesn’t want to volunteer at a homeless shelter. He obviously has no heart and would not be a suitable match.” In my mind, my checklist kept me from wasting time on unsuitable matches.

I Was Wrong. 
Fast forward 4 years…Morris, now my husband, volunteers with the homeless ministry at our church. And, spends at least some time every weekend volunteering. He later told me that he finds homeless shelters depressing, but otherwise he is very much for volunteering. Clearly, my initial snap judgement was wrong. What if I had ruled him out because of that one response? I would likely be lonely.

Dating Outside the Box

The box is the list or mental checklist that we keep in our heads. It says what our perfect potential mate should look like. Maybe your dream man is tall, looks like +Idris Elba , and has the personality and bank account of +Steve Harvey . In reality, the checklist is a suit of armor.

Why We Create the Box
Laura Doyle in her book , The Surrendered Single, says that the checklist is about fear. She says that by holding on to qualities we want in a man, we are setting ourselves up for unrealistic expectations. As long as the checklist is never met, we don’t have to risk our hearts and we don’t have to be vulnerable.

I also think we set up checklists to impress people in our social circles. In our minds, we’ve set up what our families, friends, and colleagues will find acceptable and we arbitrarily rule out men that fall outside those parameters.

The Problems with the Box:

  • You rule out a lot of good men.
  • The man that is right for you, might be different than you imagined.
  • It leaves little room for input from the Lord.

Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have standards. You should. But, your standards should be reflective of his character, not his resume.

God Knows What We Need, We Don’t. 

I am an extrovert, impatient, get fussy when things don’t go my way, and am woefully lacking in the mercy department. So, God gave me a husband that is long suffering, patient, and gives EVERYONE the benefit of the doubt. If you are anything like me, you probably have not identified all of your character defects. But, God knows what you need in a man…even if you don’t.

You Might Miss Out on a Good Thing.
In short, good men come in all shapes and sizes and God knows what you need.  Don’t limit yourself to dating inside the box, because you could miss out on a good thing just like I almost did.

Question: Do you have a dating checklist or box? If so, what will you do to let it go?


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