Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

Tag: 5 Love Languages

The Problem with Falling in Love

Falling In LoveThe problem with falling in love, is that you can fall out of it.

But, true love is a decision to stay committed even when things get tough.

We’re talking about this topic today, because two of my friends recently stopped dating nice guys because there was no chemistry. And, it made me a little sad. Because, I don’t want my friends to miss out on true love because of a misconception.

Chemistry Ain’t All That
The misconception is that chemistry/falling in love is the end all be all. It is not. And, I think pop culture has warped our sense of what it takes to make a relationship work.

It also got me to thinking “Did me and Morris have chemistry when we first met?” He says we didn’t. I agree.

We didn’t have chemistry in the sense that our eyes locked, music started to play, and we began that slow walk toward each other across the room like you see in the movies.

Nope, the beginning of our relationship was a series of miscommunication, misread signals, and near misses. But, that’s a tale for another day.

Love is NOT….
Erich Fromm, a German psychologist, explains in his book The Art of Loving that love is an activity, not a passive effect. It is a “standing in” and not a “falling for.”

Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the 5 Love Languages, explains that the feeling of “falling in love” has three problems: 

1. Falling in love is not an act of will…it just happens to you.
2. Falling in love is effortless. We do outlandish things with no effort at all.
3. The “in love” experience does not encourage us to help the other person grow. We view them as perfect.

And, that just ain’t realistic. Because not a one of us is perfect. And it is generally when we realize “Hmmm, this person has some flaws.” That we start to fall out of love.

But, true love empowers us to love each other despite our imperfections.

Love IS….
The Bible explains that love is:

  • patient
  • kind
  • not easily angered
  • not selfish
  • not proud
  • keeps no record of wrongs
  • always protects
  • and always hopes

And, if we base our capacity to be in a loving relationship based on chemistry, we are doomed for failure. Just like the ups and downs of Love and Basketball.

So, do you agree or disagree? Is there a problem with falling in love?

Love, Simone
Image: Love & Basketball

Is Your Love Tank Empty?


In his book, The Five Love Languages, Dr. Chapman says that love is the primary human emotional need. He explains that problems arise in relationships and families when people have an empty love tank. An empty love tank is the result of not feeling loved.

Dr. Chapman says that learning to speak the primary love language of your spouse and loved ones can radically change his or her behavior.

The Five Love Languages

  • Words of Affirmation: use words that build up and encourage. “Verbal compliments, or words of appreciation, are powerful communicators of love.” They are best expressed simply such as, “I love your hair.” “You look great in that color.”
  • Quality Time: giving your husband your undivided attention. Dr. Chapman cautions not to confuse togetherness with proximity. Togetherness means focused attention i.e. turning the TV off.
  • Gifts: a gift is a symbol of thoughts and love.”It doesn’t matter whether it costs money, what is important is that you thought of them.”
  • Acts of Service: doing things your husband or loved one would like you to do. This is my love language and I am over the moon when Morris cleans the bathroom.
  • Physical Touch: is pretty straightforward. This is Morris’ love language.

Two weeks into our dating, Morris put his hands on my shoulder, looked me straight in the eyes and said “Simone, we are dating now. You have to kiss me as a greeting. Quit it with the waving.” It was super awkward at first. Public displays of affection aren’t really my thing, but I learned. And, our relationship is better for it.

A Full Love Tank

Make sure that when you express love to your husband, family, and friends that you use the right love language. An indicator of their love language may be things they do for you.

Does your friend gives great gifts? Gifts may be her love language.

Does your sister love to hang out? Her love language may be quality time.

Speaking the right love language will keep their love tank full and lead you both to a rich relationship.

Question: What is your love language? And, how do you feel loved?


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