Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

Tag: family


The Day Sonny Died has been out for over a year, and I probably should have mentioned the hashtag sooner. (But social media is just not my jam. One day, I’m going to upgrade to a smart phone. Then maybe it’ll be more of my jam. But today is not that day. )

Okay, back to the film project.

It’s only 2:26…and I’m not sure it even qualifies as a film. But here’s 12 photos with captions (that I think) are funny.  Continue reading

5 Steps to Being A Better Sister

Last week, my sister, Michaela, and I were driving to the store together, and there was a 15-minute period of  dead silence that really bothered me.

Perhaps it shouldn’t have, but it did.

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I mean, Michaela, is a junior in college and I thought she would want to tell me about all her boy problems, and professor problems, and life in general. But, she really didn’t tell me anything. And, no matter how many questions I asked…they were all met with one word answers. She wasn’t being mean. We just didn’t have anything to talk about. But, shouldn’t sisters always have something to talk about?  Continue reading

Last Week We Moved to Nashville

Last week Morris and I moved to Nashville, TN. Morris’ job relocated him to the Nashville office, and I got to come back to my hometown.

This was the smoothest move I’ve ever had. Because all of our worldly possessions were packed, labeled, loaded, driven to Nashville, and stored by a moving company. It was a weird, but beautiful thing to see all of our dishes, pictures, and valuables (read: one 20″ inch TV) wrapped lovingly in bubble paper while we sat on the couch and watched.

Cleaning Couture

We did have to clean up, though.


Leaving D.C. was Tough
It was tough to leave my friends and colleagues that I’ve grown to love over the past 6 1/2 years.  It was tough to leave our church family where Morris and I have grown in our marriage and faith. And, it was heartbreaking to leave all my friends.

I cried so much one day, I gave myself a headache. I think it was all the farewell parties, cards, well wishes, and (even) a poem.

Reality hit me: I won’t see these folks on a regular basis. And, I’m going to miss them.

The Good, The Scary, and an Identity Crisis

Me & My Nephew

The move is good, because we’re in the same city as my family, and we’re now driving distance from Morris’ family.

But the move is scary, because I left my respectable job as an energy analyst to be a writer.

You profession is indicative of your status in D.C. And, you can’t go anywhere without someone asking you (within 2 minutes of meeting you) “what do you do?”

Translation:  Are you important enough for me to bother with? 

I’ve almost bought into that mindset.

Morris and I are going to a BBQ this weekend, and I’m already rehearsing how to answer that question.

Am I having an identity crisis?


But, I think it’s a good thing.

Maybe I was too wrapped up in trying to impress people. Maybe this phase will lead to some much-needed self reflection. And, maybe this phase will lead to something awesome! Either way, I’m thrilled about the possibilities and the free time to focus on my dream.

Forgive me for Silence
As you might have noticed, I’ve been away from this blog for two months. Please forgive me. I thought that I could balance it all i.e. :

  • work full-time
  • write in the early mornings
  • participate in the Count Me In/Capital One Business Accelerator Program
  • launch a website
  • write an ebook
  • conduct relationship research
  • keep up with my goal-setting group
  • take a blogging class
  •  work out 3-4 times a week, cook dinner for my husband, travel, do informational interviews, be a career coach for college students, be active at church, spend time with friends and volunteer for the charities that I love.
  • AND move half-way across the country
But, it turns out. I could not.And, when I found out about our move…I decided that I just wanted to soak up every last moment with my friends.
Thank you for coming back and visiting this blog! And thank you to Allison and Jessica C. for checking back and noting my absence. That means the world to me, because I wasn’t quite sure if anyone cared:-). I promise to be more consistent!
Up Next Week
Next week, we’ll be discussing chemistry and the problem with falling in love. I’ve received a couple of questions about this. So, I want to talk about it with you and share my thoughts.Please stay tuned…better yet subscribe via email!

It’s good to be back. Love, Simone

It Was Hard to be A Christian Today…

Someone was cruel to my brother today, and I wanted to fight them. 
But, I can’t. 
Because I’m a Christian. 
We, Christians, are supposed to “love our enemies, turn the other cheek, and pray for those that use us.” 
But, that is hard to do… 
So, I am resorting to crying, blogging, and praying ( in that order).

A Family Reunion

A few week’s ago we had a family reunion for my dad’s side of the family. It turned out great, but it was a rough road to get there. You see, my dad and his siblings don’t have parents anymore. My grandfather died in July of last year. And, he hadn’t been in the ground 6 hours before the fighting began among the siblings.

So, we, the grandchildren, staged a coup de ta.

We sat down and had a VERY long talk about how their sibling squabbling was affecting us as grandchildren/children. It wasn’t pretty. And, we realized that even we (the grandchildren) had some stuff to work out amongst ourselves.

But, the end result was good. Our parents agreed to let us take over the family reunion this year. They agreed not to talk negatively about each other… to each other. And, they agreed that we have to stay close even though their parents, our grandparents, are gone.

Our family is mending, and we had a great family reunion. Lots of good food, games, rest, a trip to see the Motown Revue, and a black bear stopped by for a visit. Thankfully, he didn’t stay too long.

Izo the Kitchen Ninja
Mushrooms and Asparagus

Kayla Cutting the Melons

My Brother, My New Sister, and My Cute Nephew

The Guys Watching the NBA Finals

Connect4 My Dad v. My Aunt

Our Family Photographer
A Night at the Motown Revue

My Pretty Cousin being Serenaded
My Aunt Being Serenaded

My brothers and cousins in the background dancing

A Bear Stopped for a Visit

He Tried to Get Some Food

And then he left

All of Us

Me & My New Nephew

 My new nephew made his arrival six weeks ago. As you may remember, it was a bit of shock to know that he was coming. But, he is here and he is wonderful. I spent some time with him last weekend, and all I could think about is protecting him and keeping him happy. I named myself “his favorite aunt”.

And, we have a song. New York, New York was my secret  weapon whenever Baby Isaiah got a little fussy. And for some odd reason, it worked like magic in calming him down.

As a family, we have a lot of things to figure out. How do we care for him without overstepping the boundaries of being extended family? How do we manage when he is with his mother’s family and we don’t get to see him? How do we trust God in a situation that seems so messy?

For right now, we are taking it one day at a time and praying a lot.

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