Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

Tag: President Obama

What The Reconstruction Teaches Us About the Rise of Trump

After the Reconstruction,  black bodies were strung from trees. Today, our brother and sisters are executed in the streets. And Philando Castille joins the long list of martyrs such as Medgar Evers, Emmett Till, and Viola Gregg Liuzzo that died in the unjust struggle to move our people forward.

We should have been prepared. I should have been prepared. After a moment in history that’s marked with us rising as a people, there is always a backlash. Continue reading

Inauguration 2013

Morris and I had different ideas of how to celebrate Inauguration. I wanted to celebrate on the couch by watching the inaugural festivities on the television. But, Morris wanted to be out in the thick of things with the crowds and the cold.
So, we comprised. 

Morris’ dad came into town, and they went to inauguration. I went to the suburbs for the weekend, and watched inauguration on television. And, a good time was had by all. 
The Capitol Pre-Inauguration
This Band was filmed in the movie Lincoln

Presidential Impersonators (Right to Left): Lincoln, Roosevelt, Jefferson, and Washington. 

Inauguration 2013

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