Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

Tag: Purpose

How Can You Save the World?

Pursue your dreams.

In Britain, last year, a shortage of interpreters led to a small number of foreign suspects being released.
Now, there were some budget constraints that led to this situation. But, it got me to thinking. Perhaps someone out there hasn’t gotten around to following their dream and learning a language. If they had, would there have been fewer crimes on the streets of Britain?

And, that led to another line of thinking.

What other problems does the world have that you and I can solve if we pursue our dreams?

Are you a talented comedian? Good, because there is a lot of hurt and sadness in the world. And, there are people out here dying to laugh. Seriously, I see them everyday at work and on the bus here in D.C.

Are you a gifted filmmaker? Good, because there are millions of stories out there that need to be told. Take Charity:Water, for instance, it provides live-giving clean water to thousands of people in developing countries. You could make a film that tells the story of one person and how clean water changed the life of their village…more people would hear about this person, their village, the clean water project, and give money. As a result of your film, more people on our plant would have clean water!

Okay. Okay. I’m getting off my soap box now.

All of this is to say. We have to pursue our dreams y’all. The world needs us.

My Fantastic Family

My dream is to help make your family fantastic by strengthening bonds, eliminating squabbles, and helping you pursue your dreams. I have more than 30 years of experience living in a fantastic family. We are not perfect, but we are loving. And, I can help you and your family too.

Being Busy

Being busy is almost a status symbol in this city. And, it can be argued that busy people are important people. I once fell into that line of thinking.

My days once started at 4:00 a.m. with medium length runs of 5-8 miles. During the week days, these runs were followed by a day of work, social outings with friends 2-3 nights a week in the evening, and trying to get to bed by 8:30ish. During the weekends, my long runs were followed by community service or church. At one time, I was working with six non-profits in the city–writing, tutoring, organizing, donating, mentoring, fundraising and whatever else I could do to fill up my time.

I think I latched onto this life style of being busy for two reasons. First, there was a lot of stuff I wanted to do before getting married i.e. learning to cook, being in the best shape of my life, and managing my finances well. Second, I wanted to experience everything city life had to offer and that kept me busy. Here is a page out of my October 2009 agenda:

But, in early 2011 a friend gave me a life-changing book entitled Next Generation Leader. The first chapter “You Are Doing Too Much” was a wake-up call. The chapter explains that the less you do, the more you accomplish and that the secret of concentration is elimination.

I got it! By cramming every free minute with activity, I was giving up the valuable time I needed to focus on my purpose for being on earth. So, I began dropping things. I gave the hospital a year notice that I would not be writing for their publication anymore. I gave the community college a semester notice that I would not be tutoring. I turned down a role in the women’s ministry at church, and I decided that I would be intentional in intertwining my commitments with my purpose. And, I’m doing better.

A year and a half of dropping things is paying dividends. I feel less pressure, I have time to sit and think, I no longer feel perpetually tired, and I no longer have the nagging feeling like I am always on a deadline. But, most importantly, I feel like I am working towards my purpose in life–to help rebuild families…beginning with my own.

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