Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

The Know It All

I became one them y’all. Yes, the dreaded know it all. I was sitting at my desk last week, and decided to review my first blog, Countdown 2 My Brother’s Wedding. It was fun to go back and read what my single self thought about being single. And, then I noticed that I was content being single, and most of the commentators were content being single.

The problem was the know it alls that inserted themselves in my life and were always pushing me to get married, start a family, find somebody, etc. etc.

Well, I became that Know It All.

I was having dinner with a lovely friend, and I casually mentioned “So, are you dating anyone?”

“No,” she said.

“Well, don’t you worry. God, has someone really awesome for you! I just know it,” I said.

“Perhaps, God doesn’t. Some people are called to singleness, like the apostle Paul,” She said.

And, I thought hmmmm… maybe.  But you, you are pretty and smart, and kind…surely there is someone out there for you. And, then I began to run down the list of all the eligible bachelors that we know and ask whether or not each and everyone was a suitable match.

How dreadful of me?!?! I had done exactly what I previously complained about, and inserted myself into her life.

Sadly, my lovely friend is not alone. My long-suffering siblings have to put up with my know-it-all self sometimes too. I shared a couple of months ago about my younger brother that failed to follow the plans I had for his life. He is doing amazingly well, and has written a guest post for next week.

It just goes to show you, I do not Know It All.



  1. Nicole M

    Hmmm Im sure you fell into the know it all trap because you are happily married and just want the same for all your loved ones! We think we know what will make others happy but God is after more than happiness and there is the rub 🙂 im learning whats best is really the character formation on the inside and it seems His will can include a variety of external circumstances to bring that formation about…either marriage or singleness 😉
    Nicole M recently posted…God is the IdealMy Profile

    • Simone

      Haha! Thanks for being gracious and giving me a pass. That IS truly my heart, Nicole.

      Wheh, that’s a hard word. “God is after more than happiness…but our character formation.” But, so what I needed to hear. I got my first novel rejection a couple weeks ago, and I’m still trying to process it. What you said really struck a cord with me “a variety of external circumstances bring that formation about.” Kind of reminds me of Romans 8:28…

      • Nicole M

        Im sorry to hear about the rejection 🙁 but you yourself are not rejected! You are loved and accepted by the king of kings! LOVE romans 8:28 ☺️
        Nicole M recently posted…God is the IdealMy Profile

        • Simone

          Yes! Yes and amen!
          Thank you so much for the reminder, Nicole!

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