Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

The Secret of Overcoming Fear

Overcoming FearFor me, it seems like every day is a fight in overcoming fear. No, I don’t kick and scream. No, I don’t cower in the corner.  But I do have a voice that pops up and asks accusatory questions, like:

  • Who do you think you are?
  • I wouldn’t send that email if I were you?
  • Why are you even trying this?

Waaaay better people have come before you and failed.

The Voice of Fear

The thing is the voice of fear sounds like me, but it is actually the voice of our enemy. And, I believe it is one of his most effective tools to keep us captive and to torment our hearts.

Joyce Meyer says that “God wants us to walk by faith, and Satan wants us to walk by fear.”   She says that fear begins with a thought and then creates an emotion that tries to rule us.

My 15-Year Fight

There is one area of my life where I’ve been letting fear rule for the past 15 years. I gave up wearing dresses, because I have these ugly marks on my legs from Lichen Planus.

The thing is everywhere I turn, someone is preaching, talking, or writing about fear. So, I’m guessing the Lord is trying to tell me something. But, I’m scared!

The Secret to Overcoming Fear

The thing is even when that fear is trying to grip us and take control. The Father is speaking and trying to tell us that He is with us, He loves us, and He only wants good for us.

Luke 12:32 says “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

The secret to overcoming fear, as Michael Jr. says, is to “be still and listen for the Father’s voice.” And its something I’m striving to do.

Love, Simone

ps: Thanks for celebrating Father’s Day with us this month! I really appreciate the comments and shares.

pps: See y’all in two weeks!


  1. Nicole M

    Amen sis. Fear has been an enemy since Adam hid in fear from the Father. And yet He had nothing to fear. The Father’s love for us is secure and safe. He called you and equipped you to do what only you can do! See yourself as He sees you and you’ll never be afraid 🙂 atleast, that is my goal these days…
    Nicole M recently posted…God is the IdealMy Profile

    • Simone

      I’m working on it…slowly but surely. It’s that whole being “more concerned with the insides than the outsides” as you say. For me it’s getting the head knowledge- that I am safe and secure in His love…down to my heart and into the practical aspects of how I live my life.

      “Seeing myself as He sees me” that IS the goal…and having conversations like this, I think, is helping to move me toward that.

      • Nicole M

        🙂 I have been intentionally medidating on passages about His love to renew my mind in the morning and at night. I noticed my thoughts default to the negative each morning. Fear tends to be the default so i have to speak truth of His love each day. Key scriptures:
        Eph 3:14-19
        Isaiah 43:1-7 (substitute your name for Israel)

        It is about a conscious awakening of His love the same Adam and Eve knew in the garden. We were made to BE-LOVED. As our minds take on this belief we will FEEL it. Feelings stem from thoughts…
        Nicole M recently posted…God is the IdealMy Profile

        • Simone

          Omigoodness! I LOVE that, and I remember you substituting your name for love in Corinthians 13. I never thought to do that for myself, though!

          I read both scriptures for my devotions this morning. I haven’t read Isaiah 43 in a long time. But, it is a song that I used to sing at my church growing up and it REALLY blessed me this morning. Especially Verse 7 “Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.” KJV (because I’m old-school like that:-)

  2. Quanie Miller

    Um, so you’re, like, preaching to the choir??? I feel you one thousand percent on this. I’m always questioning whether I’m making the right decision or if I’ve moved too quickly, or what have you. But truthfully, I don’t want to have any regrets and I tend to do things despite my fear because you just never know. But I do struggle with it every single day. I just try to watch what I speak over my situation and start the day with positive words, thoughts, and visualizations. Whatever it is you want to do, Simone, you can do it! I’m rooting for you.

    • Simone

      Amen to that, Quanie! Amen to that. “Do things despite my fear.” I love that Joyce Meyer has a phrase that my friend, Kate, quotes a lot “Do it afraid.” I’m like you, I don’t want to die (or grow old) having any regrets.

      Also, that’s a good reminder to be careful with what we speak over our situations. Proverbs has a lot to say about what we speak, but Proverbs 18:21 comes to mind “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

      Thanks for stopping by, Quanie! You were one the people I was referring to that have been writing about fear:-). And you sharing your journey to launch your business, really encouraged me.

  3. Faith Simone

    I think it’s interesting that that so many people with so much going for them still struggle with fear. It’s an equal opportunity oppressor. One of my mantras is, “Feel the fear, and do it anyway.” To me that’s part of what bravery is; being terrified, but still going through with it. And the high you get once you’ve overcome it? Irreplaceable. I usually end up wondering why I didn’t do whatever it was sooner!

    Side note: I totally feel you on being self conscious about your legs. I had some edema a few years ago (pregnancy related, but that’s a WHOLE other story, which one day I’ll share) and it caused bruising on my legs. The bruises lasted for years, even after the edema went away and I was so self conscious about it! I would always cover my legs. But then I missed my dresses and skirts and decided to wear them anyway. My point is that NO ONE ELSE NOTICED! I even get compliments on my ‘big pretty legs’ (it’s a southern thang) all the time. What was huge to me, is totally insignificant to others. Maybe the same applies to you? Either way, I hope you find a solution soon. I know how a seemingly small thing and hold so much significance.
    Faith Simone recently posted…Stand Your Ground #Race #Politics #Justice #NewReleaseMy Profile

    • Simone

      Okay so I’m tearing up over here, Faith. (Dang, salt water.) I can’t even begin to describe what your story means to me. Gosh, deep down I feel like that…and it totally applies to me! My skin is probably insignificant to others (Morris says the same thing). And when I see people, like me, that have imperfect skin I just kind of marvel at their courage. I’ve been praying for a solution/resolution for a long time.

      But I think the Lord is trying to grow me in this process and get me to trust Him.And that he wants to do something with this whole ordeal, but I just wish He would tell me WHAT IT IS? But that’ not how faith works. For me writing about it is the “feel the fear, and do it anyway.” But, I’m hoping to join you in wearing pretty summer dresses real soon.

      And, then I burst out laughing when I read your “it’s a Southern thang.” Love, Simone

      • Faith Simone

        Aww, I didn’t mean to get your water works going Simone! But it be’s that way sometimes. Yes, you writing about it is a brave and courageous first step. Just on a hunch, I think part of the lesson is finding your beauty and confidence in God, so much so that other people’s opinions mean less and less to you when it comes to the outward appearance. That kind of confidence is a powerful weapon and is probably needed for the places God wants to take you!
        Faith Simone recently posted…This Then Is the Work of the SpiritMy Profile

        • Simone

          Bwahahaha! Yes, it does…”be’s that way sometimes.”

          I think you are SO right, and something clicked when I read your comment. This is a life lesson, not just a one time deal. I must learn to rest in the Father’s love for me and value the opinions of others less. I see that on so many levels in my life i.e. career, writing, hair, etc. I actually wrote about how much I seek the opinions of others here: But, it never clicked that this whole skin thing is like a proving ground for that very lesson. Wow.

          Thank you SO much, Faith, for that wisdom you just dropped over here!

  4. Shelli

    Simone, I love how you tied this to fear. Thank you for sharing Michael Jr.’s video. Creative and spot on.

    • Simone

      Thanks, Shelli! I have to say it was the Lord, I just planned on sharing it for Father’s Day. But when I started writing, things took a twist that was a little unexpected:-). Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Blessings…Simone

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