Creating Experiences That Help Relationships Thrive

What Men Wish Women Knew (Part 2)

The Chat

Earlier this year, I shared the first part of this video series by Priscilla Shirer. (She is one of my favorite Bible teachers.)

And in the second part of this series she discusses: the male ego, why guys don’t lead, submission, and sex.

I love this video series, because we get to hear from God-fearing men (one of them single) on how to steward our relationships and help our men be all that God has called them to be.

The video is 38 minutes and some change. Here’s the link: What Men Wish Women Knew (Part 2) . Just in case you are rushed for time.  Here’s the time stamps for each topic.

The Men Speak

What’s Up with the Male Ego? (3:45)

The Difference Between Being Needy and Needing A Man (6:15)

How to Submit, When Your Man Won’t Lead? (10:00)

What Does Submission Mean for Singles? (13:30)

What IS Submission? (14:00)

How Should a Woman Encourage Her Man to Lead? (16:00)

Why Is Sex So Important? (22:45)

What One Single Christian Black Man Has to Say About Sex (30:00)

What Does It Men to a Man When Sex Is Infrequent? (31:30)

The 72-Hour Rule (33:15)

How Can You Make Sure Your Man is Fulfilled ? (34:15)

My Top Three Takeaways

Here’s my top three takeaways from the video:

  1. The male ego is fragile and we, as women, must take care not to emasculate the men we love. Because the way we talk can do serious damage to them emotionally.
  2. Submission isn’t something that just happens when we say ‘I Do’. It starts way before that and while dating we have to ask ourselves ‘will I follow this man?’ Kim Cash Tate, another one of my favorite Bible teachers, wrote a great post on submission for Desiring God.
  3. Sex (and its frequency) is muy importante.

What was your number one takeaway? 


  1. Laura C. Brandenburg

    I haven’t watched this video yet, but two quick comments: 1. I also love Priscilla Shirer!! 2. I agree so much about the importance of sex!! We are blogging about that not this Monday but the next! (11/9) 🙂

    • Simone

      Hey Laura! Omigoodness, isn’t she awesome?!

      Yes, the Lord really spoke to me through this video on the topic of sex and NOT to take anything for granted. I tend to shy away from conversations about sex, because I still struggle with shame baggage. But it is so important for connectedness ( I think I just made up a word). I cannot wait to read y’alls post next week!

  2. Faith Simone

    I’m going to check the video out later (‘cuz they’re definitely talking about stuff I’m interested in exploring), but I wanted to let you know that if you love Kim Cash Tate’s teaching, you HAVE to check her out on Periscope. I don’t have time to watch like I would like to, but she does a DevoScope (devotional) pretty much every morning, except Sundays. And she is FIRE! I’m talking good old fashioned wisdom, humor and sound Bible teaching. But you already know that about her. Here’s the Facebook group: I’ve actually been meaning to tell you about this for a while. I think Periscope would be a great platform for you and Peri Sisters in Christ is a super supportive group!
    Faith Simone recently posted…Late Post: Ranches, Horses and….Me?????? #WritersRetreatMy Profile

    • Simone

      Omigoodness! I LOVE Love love her devotionals on Periscope. I don’t have Periscope, but sometimes Kim Cash Tate saves her devotionals on katch and I can watch them later. I probably watch once a week. About Peri Sisters in Christ, everyone seems so loving and supportive…I thought about joining, but I want to be certain that I can be equally supportive and participate (my impending deadlines have me a wee bit nervous).

      Kim also writing articles over at Desiring God pretty regularly! So cool to know you follow her too! A couple months ago, she did a Periscope about leaven and how “new age thinking” about creating our own destiny is creeping into the church. Nigeria Lockley mentioned Iyanla Vanzant and how Christians look to her for wisdom–guilty as charged! Long story short, the Lord really convicted me and the two books I had by Iyanla quickly made there way off my book shelf. All that to say, I’m learning and growing from them!

      Thanks for sharing, Faith!

      • Faith Simone

        I mostly watch them on Katch too. That Periscope can really eat up your data and I don’t have an unlimited plan. Ain’t nobody got time for overage charges. My sister is already threatening to kick me off the family plan, lol! But, yeah Kim is awesome and such a practical Bible teacher. PSIC is great too. I don’t have nearly enough time to watch or support all the scopes, and I don’t think it’s expected. I didn’t even peak at the group for all of October and most of November and when I hopped back on, it’s like I never left.

        I hear you on the leavening bread, and that teaching was sooooo inspiring and edifying. Now I’ma just tell you that I still like tuning in to watch Iyanla trying to fix those lives. At this point, I just like watching someone help people see the truth they try to run from. That moment when the light bulb goes off and you can SEE them starting to understand/accept somthing about themselves that they never faced before? Priceless. But I feel you on your conviction and totally understand where you’re coming from.
        Faith Simone recently posted…Late Post: Ranches, Horses and…Me?????? #WritersRetreatMy Profile

        • Simone

          Beloved! I busted out laughing when I read your comment about Iyanla fixing those lives. Omigoodness, that WAS my show! I watched it faithfully until we cut cable (trying to save our coins). And she helps A LOT of people work through family challenges too. All that to say, no judgement here!

          I thing the problem comes when we seep into the “the power is within”…”I create my own destiny” line of thinking. Because we know it is in Christ ALONE that we live and move, and have our being.

          And by all means, please don’t get kicked of the family plan! That would be no bueno:-).

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